Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

Anti-Money Laundering Policy

Money laundering is the act of converting money or other monetary instruments gained from illegal activity into money or investments that appear to be legitimate so that its illegal source cannot be traced. Domestic and international laws that apply to companies, whose customers can deposit and withdraw funds from their accounts, make it illegal for Marketiva, or its employees or agents, to knowingly engage, or attempt to engage in a monetary transaction in criminally derived property.


The objective of anti-money laundering procedures that Marketiva implements is to ensure that customers engaging in certain activities are identified to a reasonable standard, while minimizing the compliance burden and impact on legitimate customers.

Marketiva is committed to assisting governments combat the threat from money laundering and terrorist financing activities around the world. For that purpose Marketiva has setup a highly sophisticated electronic system. This system documents and verifies client identification records, and tracks and maintains detailed records of all transactions.

Marketiva carefully tracks suspicious and significant transaction activities, and reports such activities providing timely and comprehensive advice to law enforcement. To uphold the integrity of the reporting systems and provide protection to businesses, the legislative framework provides legal protections to providers of such advices.

In order to minimize the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing activities, Marketiva does not accept cash deposits and does not pay out cash under any circumstances. Marketiva reserves the right to refuse to process a transfer at any stage, where it believes the transfer to be connected in any way to money laundering or criminal activity. Marketiva is prohibited from informing a customer that they have been reported for suspicious activity.


Marketiva implemented a compliance regime, as laws require from financial institutions, including appointment of a compliance officer, preparation of policies and procedures, periodic review of their effectiveness, and ongoing compliance training of our staff.

Marketiva is committed to regularly update its electronic system for inspection of suspicious transactions and for verification of client identification records, in accordance with any new regulations as they are promulgated, as well as providing training for its employees on enhancements to anti-money laundering procedures that may be required by new regulations.

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